Muz 'n' Shell

Muzzy and I started traveling in 1990. Our first trip was to Thailand. Muzzy was in the Merchant Marines in another incarnation and had traveled all over the world. I had done a lot of internal traveling, but waited a lifetime to be able to really travel. After that first trip I was definitely hooked. We went to Bali in '93. In '96 we returned to Thailand to visit our daughter Sarah at her Peace Corps site in Petchabun province. In '99 we went to Nepal and Thailand, in '03 to Laos and Thailand, and in '05/'06 back to Thailand, Laos and Burma. In '07 we returned to Nepal, Laos and Thailand with our dear traveling companion Kyp. Muzzy and I have been incredibly fortunate in making the trip up the Nam Tha river twice to Luang Namtha. Laos is very special to us. I just hope we get to keep traveling. The photos posted on this site are all by Mr. Muz unless otherwise stated, and he is a grand and wonderful photographer!

Friday, December 28, 2012

The Countdown

A week to go. We made it through Christmas. It was low key, nice, cozy, our grandkitties were enthralled at the birds outside the windows, and Sarah, Muzzy and I got to see the new Hobbit movie in 3D. I was aprehensive because I don't like 3D. I saw Alice in Wonderland and found it distracting and annoying. However, I may have to change my thoughts on this. The Hobbit 3D was actually very mellow, enhancing the action and the fabulous scenery. There was one present mishap. I opened the box for my new Ipad, excited to take it on the trip, set it on the floor, and continued opening packages. The clever external keyboard/stand that Muzzy also gave me was insecurely packaged and slipped out of the box, bouncing on the floor. I picked it up, noting how lucky I was not to have broken it, and set it aside as well. After all the flurry of paper and bows was done, I picked up the Ipad to see a spreading spiderweb of cracks in the face. It wasn't even out of the plastic! I was horrified! So that is what that pinging noise was when the keyboard dropped. We pressed on, determined not to spoil the day. I called the Apple support line, and was told to get to the nearest Mac store and I could get a replacement. There wasn't time to mail it in and wait...we leave in a week! I made an "appointment" at the Mac store in the Alderwood Mall for the next morning, dreading I would be responsible for the repairs, that they wouldn't have a replacement, etc. etc. After a sleepless night, Sarah and I jumped in the car on Wednesday morning and drove to Lynwood, got to the store where the very sweet manager simply handed me a new Ipad, made the exchange, declaring that it must have gotten damaged in shipping (!), and sent us on our way. We were home before noon with a new device, had a great lunch. Sarah generously helped me set it up, she is so quick and helpful and I am so grateful for her patience. WHEW! Now we will see how it works on the trip! So...if you want to follow this blog, there is a place on the right, below the photos, where you can enter your email to get notifications. Otherwise, check back if you are interested. We will be posting blog entries and, hopefully, photos, as we go.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

It's nearly Christmas and I am in the throes of Christmas things, and trying to get ready to go. We leave January 4th and I have anchored our trip in and out but have done nothing about booking lodging or travel in Myanmar/Burma. I haven't even been able to book our air ticket to Yangon, so I am trusting we can do that in Bangkok. On the other hand, being stuck in Bangkok isn't such a bad prospect. We have our Burmese visas, so...there you go. We are at the New Siam II in BK and spending the last week on Koh Tao, back on the gulf side of Thailand again. The place we booked looks good in the photos, but then, they all do. Just the prospect of a week on an island can't be all bad. In between we have the conundrum of getting from Yangon to Inle Lake to Bagan and back to Yangon. It's looking like the trip down the Irrawaddy from Bagan may not be the best idea after all. The scenery has been described as depressing, the boat as unreliable, and the time too long. I can do two days on a boat and have done that, but not four. As I discovered on our last trip to Burma, the romance in my head does not match the reality of a country still reeling from an oppressive government and terrible natural disasters. I have low expectations this time and want to leave as gentle a footprint as I can. I do, however, remember the incredible hospitality of the people, and the beauty of Bagan and Schwedegon Paya. I'm sure Inle Lake will be wonderful, so...I'm looking forward to more adventures.