Muz 'n' Shell

Muzzy and I started traveling in 1990. Our first trip was to Thailand. Muzzy was in the Merchant Marines in another incarnation and had traveled all over the world. I had done a lot of internal traveling, but waited a lifetime to be able to really travel. After that first trip I was definitely hooked. We went to Bali in '93. In '96 we returned to Thailand to visit our daughter Sarah at her Peace Corps site in Petchabun province. In '99 we went to Nepal and Thailand, in '03 to Laos and Thailand, and in '05/'06 back to Thailand, Laos and Burma. In '07 we returned to Nepal, Laos and Thailand with our dear traveling companion Kyp. Muzzy and I have been incredibly fortunate in making the trip up the Nam Tha river twice to Luang Namtha. Laos is very special to us. I just hope we get to keep traveling. The photos posted on this site are all by Mr. Muz unless otherwise stated, and he is a grand and wonderful photographer!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

More photos from Asia 2014.
Phra Atit, Banglamphu, Bangkok
Accepting donations to feed the cats

Sugar cane and lime juice

One of the waitresses at the Daw Saw Yee, Yangon

Fortune Teller

My favorite Yangon market lady

Fish, Yangon morning market

Leaving Sittwe for Mrauk U

Myanmar Flag on our ferry boat

Mr. Muzzy on the ferry

Cook on the ferry

Temple entrance, Mrauk U

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