Muz 'n' Shell

Muzzy and I started traveling in 1990. Our first trip was to Thailand. Muzzy was in the Merchant Marines in another incarnation and had traveled all over the world. I had done a lot of internal traveling, but waited a lifetime to be able to really travel. After that first trip I was definitely hooked. We went to Bali in '93. In '96 we returned to Thailand to visit our daughter Sarah at her Peace Corps site in Petchabun province. In '99 we went to Nepal and Thailand, in '03 to Laos and Thailand, and in '05/'06 back to Thailand, Laos and Burma. In '07 we returned to Nepal, Laos and Thailand with our dear traveling companion Kyp. Muzzy and I have been incredibly fortunate in making the trip up the Nam Tha river twice to Luang Namtha. Laos is very special to us. I just hope we get to keep traveling. The photos posted on this site are all by Mr. Muz unless otherwise stated, and he is a grand and wonderful photographer!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Oh No, Stuck in Bangkok Again

It's been cold for Bangkok, really cold, wear my fleece vest cold, Thais in parkas cold.  We are here until we leave for Bang Saphan on Monday, revising our trip to maximize our pleasure seeking boredom at the beach for a full 2 weeks.  The cool weather has given us an opportunity to explore a bit more of Bangkok than we usually do.  We will revisit Thai Home Industries, see the beautiful hand forged cutlery and revisit the temple bells that fascinated us last visit.  In desperation for something to read (2 weeks at the beach is a long time), we ventured into Khaosan to find a bookstore.  We went early in the morning before the hordes of backpackers were up working on their first beer of the day, and with persistent questioning, were directed to a small stall that bought and sold books.  I found 4 books, exhorbitantly priced, but beggars can't be choosers.  I thought I had really scored until I opened up one fat tome and found it was in Swedish.  The good news is that we discovered Shewa, the spa Sarah told us about, an oasis of class amid a sea of street level massage stalls.  The Shewa is truly a gem.  Best pedicure I've ever had.

We found a new noodle shop, probably a Thai chain, Hong Kong Noodles.  They have a limited dim sum menu and lots of noodle soups with wontons.  It seemed a simple and safe solution to some gastro-intestinal issues and who could resist the menus proudly proclaiming "Honk Kong Noodles".  I love Asia.  We also found a small exquisite vintage clothing store tucked into a surviving traditional teak house off an alley that cuts between Pra Atit and Rambuttri Soi.  It's prices were outrageous, but the decor was charming...and we all know how I love charming, right?  It really is one of the essentials of travel for me.

But 10 days in Bangkok is a long long time.  Suffice it to say, we will not be staying this long again.  Monday, February 1st came and despite a slight detour to the floor of the Hualumpong Train Station (I passed out briefly right in front of Black Canyon Coffee...some people will do anything for a seat near a fan) we made it onto the morning train bound for Bang Saphan.  And here we are.  The quiet is deafening.  There is nothing to do, no where to go, nothing to buy.  Palm Gardens is a very short walk from the beach, and if that seems too far, it is a few short steps to the pool, which glitters serenely turquoise in the middle of the...what else...wait for it...palm gardens.  The people here at Palm Gardens are treasures for sure.  We feel welcome, secure and safe, like coming home.  

To say this has been a rough trip would be unfair.  To say I would ever regret coming to this, my happy place, would be unfair, but I think this is finally the vacation.  Sleeping, reading, eating, listening to the birds, listening to small waves lap the sand, contemplating my next swim.  I think all the maladies that got me here have decided to back the f**k off and let me and my long suffering, amazingly patient partner have a break.  It's a toss up who has had the harder duty, but I venture to say, being patient, eternally optimistic, and continually cheerleading deserves a special seat in heaven.  How did I get so lucky to deserve a man like Mr. Muzzy?  He is doing what he does on a motorbike, exploring, foraging, and bringing all his news back to lay at my feet, because I am still, somehow, miraculously, his Princess.  Oh, and if anyone can get a Magnum bar from Bang Saphan Yai to the beach and into the room freezer, still intact, it is this man.  HIs talent runs deep and profound.

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